Tuesday, September 10, 2013

It's TV Time!

Most people think of September as back-to-school time, but for me, it’s BACK TO TV TIME! Outside of Christmas, this is my favorite time of year. Sure, networks are finally learning they need to program year round, but there’s nothing like knowing that your favorite TV friends are returning to your living room. 

Some might say that I watch a LOT of TV. Hey…I say I watch a lot of TV. It’s always been a favorite thing for me. I can remember entire network line-ups from when I was a kid. Take ABC’s Tuesday line-up for example. At one point - Happy Days, Laverne & Shirley, Three’s Company, Soap and Family. That was from 1977 (I checked!) and I was 9. My love affair with television started when I was very young.  :)  This was also around the time I discovered General Hospital, but that’s for some other post at another time. 
My Fall TV Grid
Every August I print out my network grid and break out my highlighters - yellow for my returning shows and pink for my new additions. I know I’m adding 8 new shows and will sample another 5 to see if they are worth it. If you look closely, you’ll notice that I’m generally a one hour drama girl. There are a few comedies sprinkled in, but mostly dramas. I can’t help myself! They just suck me in. 
So, if you love TV and want to hear what I think about what I’m watching, stay tuned. I will be writing about what I’m watching at least once a week. I will warn you now - I will complain, compliment, gush and did I mention complain? I’m passionate about what I watch, so I’ll be passionate about what I write. 
Until then…