Sunday, September 29, 2013

Quick Hits - Week of September 23

Watching TV
I'm going to try and write this once a week. I will post a column with quick little impressions about what I've watched in the last week. I probably won't write about every show. I think what I'll do is write a blurb or two about a show if it leaves an impression on me. Not all shows do, so it will probably be a different column from week to week. I will start with the new shows I watched this week and then end with the "old" shows. There might be some spoilers ahead, so read with caution! Here goes!

The battle of the new shows at 10pm on Monday - The Blacklist vs. HostagesThe winner? The Blacklist. First, I find James Spader just SO compelling in whatever he does. I found the hour interesting and involving. I look forward to seeing where this story leads. I liked Hostages, but didn't love it. I found myself distracted during the hour. But I must say, I am curious to see how they will sustain this for 15 episodes. I had NO idea that Dylan McDermott's character was an FBI agent. And it's interesting that the whole "let's kill the President" plot is headed up by the VP (at least I think it was). 

Ken Olin
A quick mention about Sleepy Hollow - Ken Olin is one of the Executive Producers! I generally love the shows he is involved with. This bodes well for the season for me. He also happened to direct Monday's show. I will say, I loved how they are teaching Ichabod about life in 2013 - everything's labeled with post its! Turn this on, flip this switch, turn this nob, etc. Very clever. 

I found it interesting that ABC's entire lineup on Tuesday night was all-new shows. I watched 3 of the 4. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. lived up to the hype! I loved it. I loved that they only teased at the fact of how Coulson survived Loki's attempt to kill him. Coulson himself doesn't even know the whole story. He thinks he was shipped off to Tahiti to recover, but we know that's not the truth. On a side note, can I have a Lola? It would be really handy to be able to convert my car into a plane? flying machine? hovercraft? so I could zip right over the miserable traffic on the 110. So cool...

The Goldbergs was "totally" hilarious! Having been a teenager in the '80s, this hit home with me. Each cast member was funnier than the next. And I can't hear REO Speedwagon without thinking of Melissa Joan Hart and Adrien Grenier's singing along to Keep On Loving You in the move Drive Me Crazy. Yes - I know The Goldbergs used I Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore. has a fun '80s quiz. I got 9 of 10 right. My only wrong answer had to do with a video game. Oh. And this show's a keeper for me!

Trophy Wife will need at least one more viewing before I decide if it's a keeper or not. I liked it, but didn't love it. But I do love the cast so I'm optimistic. We'll see.

The Crazy Ones
And finally - the battle of the new 9pm comedies on Thursday night. According to the ratings, there was no contest. The Crazy Ones trounced The Michael J. Fox Show and I agree. I liked MJF, but didn't love it. I could see me getting tired of it quickly. The Crazy Ones was actually better than I expected. I thought Robin Williams was funny, yet not off the wall crazy like he can get. And James Wolk is just adorable. I hope they can sustain the funny for a whole season.

And now my returning shows. 

Castle - Beckett said yes! I honestly wasn't sure how that proposal was going to go. I hope the "Beckett's working in DC" storyline doesn't last too much longer as I miss the interaction in the NYC squad room. 

Modern Family - I still love this show, but it took a whole hour to learn 2 things. Cam and Mitchell are engaged and Cam is not the PE teacher/football coach at the high school. I want  more funny. 

Nashville - I'm shocked that Rayna survived the car crash! LOL But wow, I thought Connie Britton looked great "without" any makeup on. Help me out here - who does Sam Palladio remind me of? It's bugging me. 

Grey's - Didn't really care that Heather the intern was the one who died. I loved the Mer would make Alex hold the baby to calm him down. Debbie Allen was WAY too over the top. No matter how hard you try, I will not love the new interns. Should all the original cast members leave, I'd stop watching. They bore me. 

Glee - If Adam Lambert wasn't going to be on the show this season, I'd be out after the Corey tribute episode. I fast forward through most of this show. It jumped the shark a LONG time ago. 

Elementary - I just love watching Johnny Lee Miller. He's fascinating like James Spader. And since the show was shot in London, it's REALLY making me want to go back. 

Blue Bloods - I'm happy to have my Reagans back on TV. 

Next week - THE VAMPIRE DIARIES returns! I'm excited. 

What did you watch this week and what did you think? Let me know!

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